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january 13, 2023 - Francesca Minini

Project for fountain and other figures - Flavio Favelli

Upcoming exhibition
Opening January 26, 2023
until March 11, 2023
Francesca Minini, Milan

Progetto per #fontana e altre figure (Project for fountain and other figures)

I always liked fountains, it is not a coincidence that the two cities with which I have more connections, even if ambiguous, Bologna and Florence, have a fountain of Neptune in their central squares. The fountain is a model, because it is a beautiful proof of the condition of our culture: we imprison nature to train it so that it does not devour us. Like the Italian garden, the fountain is a great abstract idea, it is a concept, it is a utopian operation, water is brought where there is not and it is bent to make flattery and tantrum of it.
I’ve never loved round and curved shapes and for this reason my fountain is a multiple column that sprays water. Only the jet is sinuous and it will wet the steps below. A subdued pounding, not very diverse, a semi-eternal repetition to harness the water, to give it shape and elegance.
The series of stamps of the Italian fountains from the seventies, twenty-one ephemeral monuments or the Rai Interval, with the enchanting and sad music that showed almost colored places with some fountains in Viterbo or Matelica areas, so calm, so hieratic, so moving.

Flavio Favelli